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Advantages Of Applying For Government Job Positions


There are individuals who are contemplating whether is it better to find employ in the government or work in the private sector instead. This is just among the questions that most job hunters want to find out when looking for their career options.


Jobs both in the public and private sector come with own sets of advantages and disadvantages and as such, it is necessary to be vigilant in considering each and every factor prior to settling on a certain profession.


For those who're thinking to work in the government thru concorsi pubblici infermieri, among the numerous benefits that can be enjoyed is the job security. Compared to the jobs in private sector, government job positions aren't totally affected by the current state of the economy. What this mean is, you can still have a job even if there's an ongoing economic recession whereas your colleagues working in private sector are very likely to suffer from layoffs and then, lose their jobs.


Aside from that, having more security is another well known reason why more and more professionals decide to work for the government. Needless to say, those who're working in private sector can receive benefits as well but most of the time, these don't reach the scope or level of those that are received by the civil workers. Attractive government benefits additionally include lifelong or extended health care benefits, maternity leaves, paid vacations and also, hefty benefits for the retirees. Read for more tips on how to find jobs.


Also, there are a couple of lesser known benefit of working in public sector; one is the good working hours and the other is solid payslip. Contrary to popular belief, employees working for the government receive a much better compensations compared to their private sector counterparts. The compensation for the workers in public sector is actually kept at competitive salary to be able to attract more competitive professionals.


And with regards to the schedule of work at, government employees stick to the regular 9 to 5 schedule and there's hardly any requirement for additional work hours. This is undoubted a very attractive perk for those who want to balance their time between work and their personal life.


Needless to say, there are also drawbacks of working in government job positions and one of this is the lower possibility of being promoted. Compared to the private sector, you can quickly climb up to the corporate ladder and at the same time, get a higher pay raise considering that you have great work performance. But in the public sector, regardless of how exceptional your work is, it's going to take longer period of time.

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